Entries by admin

The Advantage of Using a Multi-company Insurance Brokerage Firm; of Backdating; of Paying Premiums Annually Case Study # 13

I just finished a case that illustrates the advantage of using an insurance brokerage firm representing many companies versus a single company, even a good one such as Northwestern Mutual, State Farm, or USAA. The best offer my normal go-to company would provide this client was Preferred rather than Preferred Best, because she uses anti-anxiety […]

Which Insurer Will Treat You Best?

I finished two cases in December that each took over half a year to wrap up. Very unusual. They had other similarities too: minor health issues, over insured by major insurers, with young children yet oblivious to Social Security survivorship benefits, and best of all, their improvements were outstanding. These type of improvements motivate me. […]

Surrendering a Cash Value Policy? Don’t Waste the Loss

I see many misguided initiatives to drop cash value policies, coming from a guru’s generalization that “all whole life insurance is bad”, or an agent’s effort to make a new sale.  Dropping a cash value life insurance policy warrants careful consideration: calculating the real (not nominal) rate of return, comparing alternative investing strategies, assessing the […]